Monday, 11 April 2011

Tea lights

A while ago I realised I have a slightly unhealthy thing for tea cups and saucers. I drink out of big greedy mugs but still have a collection of very pretty cups and saucers that is too big for my kitchen cupboard. Bt does come in handy for cocktails (initially out of necessity but I rather like it now!). But this has started to spill over to lighting.

These Royal Doulton anniversary ones I rather want the entire collection of

These are the excellent cocktails tea cups (bit small for actual tea if you're as greedy as I am)

I have a particular weakspot for kitschy cups!

So I am super happy about an extra early birthday present I got at the weekend, that I have had my greedy little eye for about a year now. I think I will need to change the lampshade at some point, somehow clutter it up a bit

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