Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Autumn (some more)

Clearly Paul Smith RTW is the inspiration for everything I wear this autumn! Today wearing blue shirt, chinos, oversized charcoal grey cardigan and ivory brogues, along with my glasses on a cord (so determined to make that work!) I don't quite look like this, but its near enough to work in my head! Plus bonus points for being super comfy.

Such great trousers - doesn't help with my greedy desire to buy the J Crew cropped trousers in a sort of puce colour. Heaven!

I think the look above is probably my favourite, but I suspect just because the camel looks amazing soft and cosy and comfortable!

Loving the polka dot trousers. The look below, with the knitted waitscoat and the tie is a pretty close second to favourite. If I wasn't so big I'd definitely try wearing a tie. Taught myself to tie a bowtie a few weeks ago, only to discover that disppointingly, it is not a look I can pull off! Too tall, and generally not enough like Rachel Bilson for it to look cute.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Just because

Random website with great old photos

And some not so old

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Autumn inspiration

OK, so it looks like a sweater for kids, but I sooooo want it! See, cute (but will be cuter with a white shirt, chinos and ivory brogues...maybe duffle coat...or blazer..):

Whistles is pretty heavenly at the moment, I especially and greedily want this skirt, or at least this top. But instead have made my own version from similar items in my wardrobe...much less fun!

You can never have too many blazers - and this JW one is pleasingly unlike my brown tweed or a my green/navy tartan. And is an upgrade of a rather shabby looking grey one I bought in Gap years ago. Therefore totally justifiable.

I also intend to get my mitts on these rusty red twill trousers, which have already formed an outfit in my head with the blazer above, and a blue shirt (heaven!), or the sweater....toooo perfect!

This is my duffle coat from last year. No reason to include, just I'm super excited about getting to wear it again!

Dog version of the hare sweater above. Not sure it would work with my colouring. Shame as the dog is cuter than the hare! 

Freja on the right here is coming to the hairdresser with me (in photo form only, natch)
 Yes, Tom Hanks. Random, but look at the glasses?!! I need.