Tuesday, 25 January 2011


It genuinely makes me sad that at no point in my life will I ever have been this beautiful.


These are by a woman called Elise Primavera, who wrote the Auntie Claus books which I love. Hence all the pictures. I really like her sketches too, seem very Hillary Knight-esque almost. I bought oil pastels to try and learn how to create something that looks like this, but seems she spent two years on the paintings and they were in guache.

The others are things I found on a blog about children's books and illustartions. It is frankly rubbish to not be able to to do this! http://blaine.org/sevenimpossiblethings/index.php?paged=13

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Second new outfit

Illustrating my previous point about being incapable of dressing myself in January, I present new outfit number two. I may have had a false sense of confidence following how well outfit number one went. There something afoot with this one, I suspect the skirt is not quite right, too long, or the fabric is too thick and the shape is odd. Will work better with a Tshirt dress I have underneath perhaps. Or perhaps just scrap it all together.

Also have fallen in love with a pair of chinos. Dreamy. Damn you Jack Wills. My plans to just buy the jeans has now been scuppered. I have been looking for a good chino for the past two summers. Not sure I can resist. Plus of course I'll want the oversized navy blazer. Greed greed greed. And poverty. Bad combination


Wednesday, 19 January 2011

I do love a brogue

Russell and Bromley, you make me greedy. I want these shoes in practically every colour. I have them in cherry red, and they are heaven. But really, can you ever have too many pairs of brogues? I think not.

Hello Spring, Hello Chanel

Super looking forward to these being released. Less impressed that the Chanel counters are not taking pre-orders, and also hyper aware that people in Norwich are getting much too savvy on the nail polish front - I havemissed out on two of the recent Chanel limited editions thanks to thinking about it overnight. The biggest worry now though is which colour? Black or peach?! Being poor is oh so very tedious. I'm bored of "or". I want to start using "and".

First new outfit of the year

For most of January I am something beyond sartorially challenged. If I am trying to keep warm, I seem to be unable to simultaneously look good. So coming up with a new outfit is utterly beyond my capabilities. This was a new purchase so doesn't really count (plus I wear it the exact same way every time):

Whereas this counts as a new outfit, because it uses clothes from my wardrobe, and tweaks a spring outfit and makes it winter. I had a long sleeve tee on under the sweater so I looked a bit chunky, but think this will be awesome in a month or two when it isn't so ridiculously cold:

I like the silk with the wool/cashmere. And the ballet pumps are just always awesome. Hadn't realised how well my grey nails matched the skirt until I saw this photo, for once that was totally inadvertant.

Book porn

New year, and finally, new shelves. These may usher in a new stage of grown up-ness. Or may just be shelves and I shall continue to be as rubbish in all other aspects of my life as before. Nonetheless, thank you Ikea for being cheap, but not looking it!

Vogue shelf, and Vanity Fair shelf. I shouldn't be as proud as I am.