Monday, 10 October 2011

Midnight In Paris

Woody Allen, and Paris in the 1920s, filled with Hemingway, the Fitzgeralds, Gertrude Stein et al? I was guaranteed to love this before even seeingit. But it was so much funnier and warmer and lovlier than I had expected. Already one of my favourite ever movies.

Adrien Brody was fantastic. Spookily good.

Crush on Corey Stoll now bigger, based on him as Hemingway (although I have no crush on real Hemingway). Do you box? I loved the ridiculous intensity he spoke with, and the great long run-one sentences like he used in his writing.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

NY Fashion week

As assortment of pic stolen form other wbsites!

Monday, 12 September 2011

The continued adoration of Paul Smith this autumn


Up there with Captain Wentworth and Darcy, Rochester is always a character women will adore. Despite his pretty moral looseness. Guess everyone's a sucker for a Byronic hero/anti hero! Anyway, saw the new Jane Eyre yesterday and having been convinced that no-one could be a better Rochester than Toby Stephens, I was proved completely wrong. Very very wrong. Michael Fassbender was totally and utterly fantastic in the role. But I am wondering if the novel contains any notion that the character is a red-head, or is it an odd coincidence that the two best have been one themselves?

Throw in a little Darcy and Wentworth, just for good measure!

If I were a boy...

...I'd hopefully a fabulous bow-tie wearing one! Have a bit of a style crush on Brad, the former minion of Rachel Zoe.

Major MAJOR glasses envy

THIS however, might be the ultimate outfit. Generally all autumn I shall be chanelling this outfit in some form!

Can a cheap coat be a good coat?

Saw this randomly in M&S yesterday, and I love the colour. Might disagree with the buttons too much though. But is only £90?? For a whole winter coat?

I am very clearly looking at this coat and actually seeing SJP's
Not a terribly accurate comparison!

A little Mulberry to call my own

Finally!!! Although still about five months earlier than I'd planned, so I'm still a little dizzy from the impulse buy. So this should in theory make me a proper, bone fide grown up. Hmm. Still a ditz...just now a ditz with a good bag!

From the Mulberry website...

Photo I took lusting after it in store two weeks ago...

Sitting on my sofa in its new home!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Autumn (some more)

Clearly Paul Smith RTW is the inspiration for everything I wear this autumn! Today wearing blue shirt, chinos, oversized charcoal grey cardigan and ivory brogues, along with my glasses on a cord (so determined to make that work!) I don't quite look like this, but its near enough to work in my head! Plus bonus points for being super comfy.

Such great trousers - doesn't help with my greedy desire to buy the J Crew cropped trousers in a sort of puce colour. Heaven!

I think the look above is probably my favourite, but I suspect just because the camel looks amazing soft and cosy and comfortable!

Loving the polka dot trousers. The look below, with the knitted waitscoat and the tie is a pretty close second to favourite. If I wasn't so big I'd definitely try wearing a tie. Taught myself to tie a bowtie a few weeks ago, only to discover that disppointingly, it is not a look I can pull off! Too tall, and generally not enough like Rachel Bilson for it to look cute.